SHOGUN GRAPHIX  [shoh-guhn graf-iks] trademark

1. A graphic design, web development, & screen print studio located in the Pittsburgh area. Shogun Graphix has been creating unique, quality and affordable art solutions for over a decade.

The studio specializes in making brand-advancing items such as logos, graphic assests, team uniforms, and t-shirts. Apparel, product packaging, and other merchandise items are daily project types at Shogun Graphix. With an international client base, Shogun Graphix has become a widespread and reliable source for graphic design and screen printing for creatives and professionals.


Shogun Graphix began with the inspiration of combining passions for Art, Music, Communication, Culture, Technology and Printing into a one-stop resource for artists/musicians, entrepreneurs and businesses alike. An element that energizes our inspiration is to maintain deep a connection to musical roots that shape much of our modern creative culture.


Service is the hallmark of the Shogun Graphix experience. We have a passion for printing, great service and an amazing customer experience overall. Shogun Graphix not only prints but we co-promote our customers through social medial channels on a daily basis. Got a crazy deadline? Chances are we can handle it and our turnaround times are always a pleasant surprise. Overall, we go to great lengths to exceed your expectations. Thankfully that results in a lot of repeat business and customers who help us spread the word. But we love starting new relationships too. So call or email us today to start a conversation about YOUR project.

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© Shogun Graphix, LLC